Insights from a Psychologist - From Self-Care to Treatments that Don’t Suck

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. — Henry David Thoreau

I am raising awareness and reducing the stigma attached to seeking mental health treatment. It’s time to normalize the conversation and I’m here to help facilitate.

This is the first post on my new blog! I’m just getting started here, so stay tuned. Subscribe below to get notified when I post new updates.

Writing has always been a way for me to organize my thoughts and communicate ideas. It’s also super good self-care. I’ve been posting on Facebook, Twitter, and Insta for some time now, but I have a lot more to say than those platforms allow. I will be writing mostly about psychological self-care strategies, mental wellness and prevention, and treatments that don’t suck.

I reserve the right to post about random stuff as well.

Ultimately, I am dedicating to raising awareness and reducing the stigma attached to seeking mental health treatment. It’s time to normalize the conversation and I’m here to help facilitate. I hope you will join me.

Are you living the life you imagined? If not, let’s make it so. Leave a comment and let me know.

Mindset is a lens through which we view the world. But not *everything* is a mindset. Over the next few weeks I’m going to share with you the things that do qualify as such, according to science, and what we know about how a particular mindset can influence our emotions, our behavior, and our biology. 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

Dr. Natalie Christine Dattilo

If we haven’t been properly introduced, I’m a clinical psychologist, an instructor at Harvard Medical School, a girl mom, & owner of an ‘oops’ kitty. I am on a mission to help people understand themselves better in order to take care of themselves better. My approach is straightforward, practical, and rooted in science. I take the ‘woo’ out of self-care and teach you how to cultivate a personalized wellness practice for “real life.”


Why can’t work be fun too?