Love Your Mind Blog
No-BS Guide to Mindset, Motivation & Self-Care
Why Empathy Matters (More than Ever)
I was surprised to learn about the “anti-empathy” movement, but I was even more surprised to learn that this is not the first attack on empathy in recent memory. Here I offer my take on why I believe empathy is important, maybe more than ever.
What is Good Therapy? (Part 1)
Join the #goodtherapy movement! The time is now to set the record straight about what good therapy is and is not. In this article, Dr. Natalie discusses the potential harms of therapy and describes good therapy techniques and practices. It's time to educate and create more informed consumers of mental health care and preserve the progress we’ve made. I hope you’ll join us!
S.M.A.R.T. goals are so 2024. We’re setting SIMPLE goals now.
S.M.A.R.T goals are OUT. Simple goals are IN. In this article, Dr. Natalie breaks down the different goal-setting frameworks and provides guidance on how to choose the right one for you. She also offers her own approach to therapeutic goal-setting, called the “ABCs.” It’s that simple!
If the kids are not okay, it’s not because of ‘Bad Therapy’ -Book Review
Mental health care is at a crossroads in this country and ripe for disruption. Our relationship with therapy is complicated and due for a deep analysis. I read “Bad Therapy” hoping that’s what it would reveal. However, my take-away was something much different. Read my review to learn how I define “Good Therapy,” and why it’s more important than ever to advocate for mental health and create well-informed consumers of care.
How Wellness Travel Can Alleviate Post-Pandemic Apathy
Could wellness travel be the antidote to our collective apathy?
Need a Healthy ESCAPE®? Six Science-Backed Self-Care Strategies that Work
Dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic for the past year has taken its toll on us both physically and mentally, and although we may be rounding the corner, recovering from the emotional fallout may take some time.
Hesitant about “Re-entry” Tips From a Social Anxiety Expert
We’ve become secluded, increasingly isolated, and socially “malnourished.” As a consequence, re-entry may present some unique challenges and despite an eagerly anticipated “return to normal,” don’t be surprised if you have mixed feelings about it.
How to Handle the Un-Holidays of 2020
“Holiday blues” are real and stem from a combination of stress, exhaustion, unrealistic expectations, and forced celebration.
What To Do if Mindfulness isn’t Working for You
The single biggest misconception about mindfulness is about what it is designed to help you do.
The Link between Social Connection and Depression Prevention
There is an impending mental health crisis unfolding due to the prolonged nature of the pandemic. So what can we do?
No “Bad Vibes” Allowed: The Downside of Positivity
In a culture of “toxic positivity,” emotions like sadness, anxiety, and worry – are seen as inherently “bad,” and if you have them, there must be something “wrong with you.” It’s a problem because our authentic emotions are denied.
“Radical Optimism:” Staying Calm and Hopeful During Times of Stress and Uncertainty
During times of stress, our priorities become very clear. We adapt. We recalibrate. We carry on. Absorb these six science-backed self-care strategies that work, even during times of extreme stress.
“Maybe You Should Talk to Someone:” A Second Opinion
As a psychologist and therapist, I was excited to read this book, however, the story Lori Gottlieb tells does little to challenge the outdated idea that “just talking” about our problems will somehow fix them.
How to Gratitude
People who practice gratitude have stronger immune systems, report less pain and discomfort, have lower blood pressure, and sleep better. So why don’t we do it more?
Why Optimism is Kind of a Big Deal (Part 2)
How we think has a powerful influence on our health and well-being. Recently, a large-scale study suggested how we think can potentially even add years to our lives.
Why Optimism is Kind of a Big Deal (Part 1)
Don’t worry, glass half-emptiers – although optimism is partly inherited, thinking like an optimist is a skill you can learn.
Why can’t work be fun too?
In my experience implementing workplace wellness initiatives, I have found that the most successful programs are the ones in which wellness is “baked into the culture” of the place.
Insights from a Psychologist - From Self-Care to Treatments that Don’t Suck
Enjoy insights about the latest psychological self-care strategies, mental wellness and prevention, and treatments that don’t suck.